Archiv der Kategorie: Marketing

ESPA – European Student Placement Agency: Business Development Internship _German speaker

This is a really exciting opportunity for an enthusiastic business developer to gain a wide range of experience with this expanding and innovative host company., in the baby and toddler sleep brand market. Mentored throughout, by a fantastic and experienced team, you will have touch points across new business development, account management, sales operations, forecasting and budgeting and marketing with our EMEA team. This host sees a huge potential for their brand across the DACH regions, and they have many good quality contacts waiting for you to convert! You will also assist with a complete market analysis to identify any additional suitable retail partners across relative European countries. Additionally, you will support the Sales
Director with setting up, running and attending the trade show. This internship offers an abundance of skills, knowledge and experience that will enhance your CV and future career prospects!

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Praktikum im Bereich Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeitbei der Deutsch-Baltischen Handelskammer in Estland, Lettland, Litauen

Die Deutsch-Baltische Handelskammer in Estland, Lettland, Litauen e.V. ist Teil des weltweiten Netzes deutscher Auslandshandelskammern und erster Ansprechpartner für deutsche und baltische Unternehmen, die Beratungsdienstleistungen für das Auslandsgeschäft benötigen. Die Abteilung Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit koordiniert die Publikationen, die Webseite, Social Media und Presseaktivitäten. Estland, Lettland und Litauen zählen zu den dynamischsten Volkswirtschaften im Euroraum. Dabei besticht jedes Land auf seine ganz eigene Art und Weise durch architektonische Vielfalt, spannende Sehenswürdigkeiten und faszinierende Landschaften.

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Praktikum bei der Deutsch-Baltischen Handelskammer in Estland, Lettland, Litauen

Die Deutsch-Baltische Handelskammer in Estland, Lettland, Litauen e.V. ist Teil des weltweiten Netzes deutscher Auslandshandelskammern und erster Ansprechpartner für deutsche und baltische Unternehmen, die Beratungsdienstleistungen für das Auslandsgeschäft benötigen. Estland, Lettland und Litauen zählen zu den dynamischsten Volkswirtschaften im Euroraum. Dabei besticht jedes Land auf seine ganz eigene Art und Weise durch architektonische Vielfalt, spannende Sehenswürdigkeiten und faszinierende Landschaften.

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ESPA: European Student Placement Agency: International Sales Internship – Spanish Speaker

This is a fantastic opportunity for an enthusiastic student fluent in Spanish to further develop their skills working within a dynamic, globally recognised company. Mentored throughout, you will carry out a variety of tasks including market research and running projects to help expand distribution partner relationships in Spain . Not only will you gain experience across a wide range of business sectors, but you will be a driving force in the growth of a brand established in over 90 different countries. If you are hands-on, flexible, and want to put your language skills into practise in a working environment, this is the opportunity for you! ESPA has placed many students at this host company, so you are sure to have a first class experience!

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ESPA: European Student Placement Agency: International Sales Internship – German Speaker

This is a fantastic opportunity for an enthusiastic student fluent in German to further develop their skills working within a dynamic, globally recognised company. Mentored throughout, you will carry out a variety of tasks including market research and running projects to help expand distribution partner relationships in Germany. Not only will you gain experience across a wide range of business sectors, but you will be a driving force in the growth of a brand established in over 90 different countries. If you are hands-on, flexible, and want to put your language skills into practise in a working environment, this is the opportunity for you! ESPA has placed many students at this host company, so you are sure to have a first class experience!

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ESPA: European Student Placement Agency: International Sales Internship – French Speaker

This is a fantastic opportunity for an enthusiastic student fluent in French to further develop their skills working within a dynamic, globally recognised company. Mentored throughout, you will carry out a variety of tasks including market research and running projects to help expand distribution partner relationships in France. Not only will you gain experience across a wide range of business sectors, but you will be a driving force in the growth of a brand established in over 90 different countries. If you are hands-on, flexible, and want to put your language skills into practise in a working environment, this is the opportunity for you! ESPA has placed many students at this host company, so you are sure to have a first class experience!

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ESPA: European Student Placement Agency: Digital Marketing Internship

This is a very exciting opportunity for a talented, proactive individual to gain practical
experience at this globally recognised company. Mentored throughout, you will work with in the marketing department to raise the visual presence and brand positioning of the host company, across multiple channels, with a particular focus on videography, photography and drone imagery. ESPA has worked with this host, repeatedly, creating fantastic student experiences and now this is your chance to impress them, in their centenary year, and boost your CV and future career prospects.

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ESPA: European Student Placement Agency: Digital Marketing Internship

This is a fantastic opportunity for an enthusiastic Digital Marketing student to express their creative flair and gain invaluable experience in this innovative start-up company. Mentored throughout you will assist in all aspects of digital marketing including social media, marketing campaigns, customer experience and finding potential new clients for their education feedback platform. This product has the potential to be a real game changer in education, so you will be a key player in their future success, making this a great addition to your CV and future career prospects.

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ESPA: European Student Placement Agency: Graphic Design Internship

This is a fantastic opportunity for an enthusiastic graphic design student to gain hands on experience across a variety of media and print. Mentored throughout, you will develop your skills with this independent company that is dedicated to researching, promoting, and distributing high quality and natural pain relief products. By carrying out a variety of tasks such as video editing and marketing animation, you will actively contribute to the firm’s performance. If you are creative, driven and have great web and layout skills, this could be the opportunity for you! ESPA has worked with this host, repeatedly, creating fantastic student experiences and now this is your chance to impress them and boost your CV and future career prospects.

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Deutsche Handelskammer Spanien: Praktikum bei der AHK Spanien

Die Deutsche Handelskammer für Spanien gehört zum weltweiten Netzwerk deutscher Auslandshandelskammern, Delegationen und Repräsentanzen der deutschen Wirtschaft in über 90 Ländern mit 44.000 Mitgliedern und 1.700 Mitarbeitern. Dachorganisation ist der Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) in Berlin, gleichzeitig Spitzenverband der Industrie- und Handelskammern (IHKs) in Deutschland.

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Fairkehr: Volontariat Print- und Online-Journalismus

Sprache ist ein mächtiges Mittel, u,m die Welt zu verändern. Als Nachhaltigkeits-Agentur nutzen wir alle sprachlichen Möglichkeiten, um positive Visionen erlebbar zu machen und uns für Klimasschutz, Verkehrswende und eine gute Zukunft einzusetzen.

Die fairkehr Agentur und Verlag, bietet ab sofort ein Volontaiat im Bereich Print- und Online-Journalismus für Studierende oder Absolvent*innen an.

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Fairkehr: Praktikum im Bereich Print- und Online-Marketing

Du absolvierst gerade ein Studium im Bereich Marketing/Online-Marketing und suchst einen Praktikumsplatz in einer Firma mit Sinn? Du möchtest deine Fähigkeiten als Print- oder Online-Redakteur*in ausprobieren?

Die fairkehr Agentur und Verlag, bietet ab sofort Praktikumsplätze im Bereich Print- und Online-Journalismus (gerne auch studienbedingte Pflichtpraktika) an.

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