ICSE is the premier academic conference for Software Engineering. In total, researchers of CYSEC managed to publish at least five ICSE publications this year, two with contributions from SSE:
- Debugging for Reactive Programming (Guido Salvaneschi, Mira Mezini)
- Nomen est Omen: Exploring and Exploiting Similarities between Argument and Parameter Names(Hui Liu, Qiurong Liu, Cristian-Alexandru Staicu, Michael Pradel, Yue Luo)
- Performance Issues and Optimizations in JavaScript: An Empirical Study (Marija Selakovic, Michael Pradel)
- StubDroid: Automatic Inference of Precise Data-flow Summaries for the Android Framework (Steven Arzt, Eric Bodden)
- Jumping Through Hoops: Why do Java Developers Struggle With Cryptography APIs? (Sarah Nadi, Stefan Krüger, Mira Mezini, Eric Bodden)