SRTL 8 participants
Date: | August 18-24, 2013 |
Venue: | University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA; Location: Superior Shores Resort & Conference Center Two Harbors |
Theme: | Reasoning about Uncertainty in the Context of Making Informal Statistical Inferences. |
Forum Coordinator: | Dani Ben-Zvi -University of Haifa, Israel Joan Garfield – University of Minnesota, USA |
Local coordinator | Joan Garfield (, Bob delMas (, and Andy Ziefller ( from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA |
The Eighth International Research Forum on Statistical Reasoning, Thinking and Literacy (SRTL-8) was held in Two Harbors, Minnesota, USA from August 18-24, 2013 at Superior Shores Resort on Lake Superior. The Forum was sponsored by several institutions including the American Statistical Association (ASA) Section on Statistical Education, Springer Publishing Company, the University of Minnesota, and Alakef Coffee Roasters.
Researchers in statistics education from eight countries around the world were invited to SRTL-8 to share their work, discuss important issues, and initiate collaborative projects. With emphasis on the SRTL-8 conference theme Reasoning about Uncertainty in the Context of Making Informal Statistical Inferences, an interesting range of diverse research presentations and discussions took place. The Forum was co-chaired by Joan Garfield and Dani Ben-Zvi and organized by the Local organizing team: Robert delMas, Elizabeth Fry, Joan Garfield, and Andrew Zieffler.
Here is an overview of the presentations that took place during the SRTL-8 research forum:
- Anthony Harradine, Cliff Konold: Using data and chance to make conclusions
- Hana Manor Braham, Dani Ben-Zvi, Keren Aridor: Students’ reasoning about uncertainty while exploring sampling distributions in an “Integrated Approach”
- Arthur Bakker, Dani Ben-Zvi, Katie Makar, Tim Kurvers: Reducing uncertainty in a hospital laboratory: A vocational student’s web of reasons and actions involved in making a statistical inference
- Janet Ainley, Keren Aridor, Dani Ben-Zvi, Hana Manor, Dave Pratt: Children’s expressions of uncertainty in statistical modelling
- Rob Gould: Teaching data handling
- Rolf Biehler, Daniel Frischemeier, Susanne Podworny: Preservice teachers’ reasoning about uncertainty in the context of randomization tests
- Lucía Zapata: Promoting the development of teachers’ ideas of uncertainty
- Sandra Madden: Constructing simulations and interrogating empirical sampling distributions supports teachers’ reasoning in the presence of uncertainty
- Pip Arnold, Stephanie Budgett, Maxine Pfannkuch: Experiment-to-causation inference: The emergence of new considerations regarding uncertainty
- Robert delMas, Andrew Zieffler, Ethan Brown: Students’ emerging reasoning with uncertainty in a randomization-based first course in statistics at the tertiary level
- Jennifer Noll and Erin Glover: Facilitating students’ Reasoning about uncertainty in the context of making informal inferences: the role of curriculum and technology
- Jill Fielding-Wells, Katie Makar: Inferring to a model: Using inquiry-based argumentation to challenge young children’s expectations of equally likely outcomes
- Sibel Kazak, Taro Fujita, Rupert Wegerif: “How confident are you?” Supporting young students’ reasoning about uncertainty in chance games through students’ talk and computer simulations
Preliminary_announcement SRTL-8