Intercultural Week 2019

Intercultural Week

Intercultural week took place this week (24.06-26.06). It was a great success with lots of intercultural themed activities for the whole university. The cultures were represented from the various nationalities that are in the university.
Every culture depicted their self in a very beautiful and different manner. They presented the specialties as well as the traditions and customs of their cultures. Some of them even attracted a lot of students from the university. In the end many depicted the native dance forms that exist in their cultures.

The Gender and Women’s Project area MIA – with one another” takes on the task of equality work representing the General Students’ Committee and the student body of Paderborn.
Our works starting point originates in the notion of equal participation of the sexes in universities daily life, in the student body and in the society in general as well as the treatment of all individuals despite their biological sex, social gender and gender identity. Despite legal framework this social justice is not yet ensured. Many people still believe in gender stereotypes and there are numerous examples which give proof everyday that yet men and women are neither treated equally nor independently concerning their biological and social gender or despite their gender identity treated and valued equally.
“The Gender and Women’s Project area MIA – with one another” sees itself mainly as a group which clarifies and informs about existing sexualized violence and discrimination, stereotyping and stigmatization and wants to reduce prejudices and clichés. To counter gender based injustices, we want to – because of heterosexist beliefs – help and strength discriminated humans.

MIAs Participation in the Intercultural Week

The MIA team participated in the intercultural week as well. A quiz known as kahoot was designed for the students at the university. The game had questions regarding female anatomy, rape, pregnancy, abortion, contraception methods, educational differences, household chores, sexual violence and childcare which are less known to people.
The MIA team got a very positive response for it. People were really keen on coming and playing the quiz. They were amused and shocked to know about the inequality which persist in the society.
Many prizes were also given to the students who won the quiz, like soft tampons, reusable sanitary pads, menstrual cups, shaving gel and blue razors (without the pink tax!) and healthy plant-based snacks.

Neulich gehört: Feminismus – irgendwie beängstigend! – Werch ein Illtum.

Ein Kommentar zu Kristina Schröders Veröffentlichung: „Danke, emanzipiert sind wir selber! – Abschied vom Diktat der Rollenbilder.“

Bundesfamilienministerin Kristina Schröder
Bundesfamilienministerin Kristina Schröder (Bildquelle:

WDR5, Politikum, 17.04.2012, 19:05 Uhr
Moderation: Max von Malotki
Autor/in: Barbara Streidl
Redaktion: Tamara Tischendorf
Zum Nachhören geht’s hier lang.

„Neulich gehört: Feminismus – irgendwie beängstigend! – Werch ein Illtum.“ weiterlesen

EU-Urteil soll türkische Frauen vor Gewalt schützen |

EU-Urteil soll türkische Frauen vor Gewalt schützen |
Wieder eine Meldung in den Nachrichten, die am meisten dadurch auffällt, dass man das Berichtete eigentlich für selbstverständlich hält:

„Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte hat in einem wegweisenden Urteil für alle Europaratsländer die häusliche Gewalt gegen Frauen in der Türkei verurteilt. Die Regierung in Ankara muss nach dem Urteil in Straßburg einer Frau 30.000 Euro Schmerzensgeld zahlen, deren Ex-Mann ihre Mutter erschossen hatte.“

Warum ist dieses Urteil eigentlich nötig, fragt man sich da?
„EU-Urteil soll türkische Frauen vor Gewalt schützen |“ weiterlesen